Evangelisation and Parish Census Project, 2025 Parishes of Whitehall (Santry/Larkhill) and Beaumont, Dublin Diocese
As we celebrate over 45 years of Beaumont Parish, and 80 years of Larkhill / Whitehall / Santry Parish, we are looking forward to the future with Christian hope.
Building Hope is the name of the programme launched by the Archbishop of Dublin to support parishes in preparing for their futures in partnership with their neighbours. It is up to us as members of our local parish to work to secure its future. We seek to be disciples of Jesus Christ, living the joy of the Resurrection, building on the legacy of the generations before us.
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is leading a project “Reach out to Reconnect” to engage with parishioners. The purpose of this project is: to welcome everyone to the House of the Lord, to Evangelise and update the parish records. Most importantly to gather information of the people who wish to avail pastoral services.
A pilot census ‘door-to-door visit’ was recently done by volunteers from both Beaumont and Whitehall Parish and was well received.
As our Lord send his disciples in pairs, to go out and bring the Good News, we need every baptised person to consider, to volunteer their time, their talents and their gifts (treasure) to the success of this not so small project.
We need as many volunteers as possible. Training will be provided, and mind you, you will not be alone, but with another trained volunteer to visit the 10,000 plus homes in Beaumont and Whitehall. A pair of volunteers from each street is ideal visiting about 50 plus houses. We need volunteers from each and every street in both the parishes.
The hour has come my sisters and brothers, where we need to ask ourselves, what I can do to sustain the church, than what the church can do for me! Let us ponder that call in our hearts during this Christmas, as Mary pondered on the message that was given by the angel Gabriel.
If you hear that call within, to Reach Out and Reconnect, then act, do not wait. Please phone the parish office in Beaumont or Whitehall and register your interest. Alternatively, please complete the on-line Form. The office will be in contact with you.
Wish you peace and joy of Christmas. May the newborn King bless you, your family and all who are dear and near to you.
On behalf of the PPC: the Church of the Holy Child, church of the Nativity of our Lord and Blessed Margaret Ball. Dr Toney Thomas, project lead