The 3 Tenors will perform in the Church of the Holy Child on Friday 20th December 2024 at 8pm  For more details check the Parish News & Events Section       The Relics of St Charbel visit the Church of the Holy Child from Friday 25th October to Monday 28th October 2024  For more details check the Parish News & Events Section       The Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Dermot Farrell dated 01/09/2024 entitled BUILDING HOPE with OPEN HEARTS  can be read in the Parish News & Events Section        

We remember our friends and loved ones who have died in Christ. 
Recently Deceased 
Mary McGettigan 
Maura Quinlan 
Michael Kennedy 
Edna (Polly) McCormac 
Philomena Ryan 
We remember all our friends and loved ones who have died in Christ  
May they enjoy perfect peace and reconciliation in the  
presence of God. 


Divine Mercy Prayer Group Meeting 
Every Tuesday in the Parish Centre from 7.00pm to 8.00pm. 

Parish Pastoral Council 

Hold a meeting the second Wednesday of every month 

Liturgy Group 

The Liturgy Group meet once per month 

Property & Finance Committee 

The Committee meet quarterly 

Adult Faith Development Team 

The next meeting of the Adult Faith Development Team is to be advised 

Scripture Group 

Cancelled until further notice. 

St Joseph's Young Priests 

To be advised 

Mass Intentions 

Church of the Holy Child 
Mass Intention 
Saturday 18th January 
Gerard McCarthy - 1st Anniversary 
Bridget Goggin - 11th Anniversary 
Ethel Smith - Anniversary 
Kathleen & Patrick Maples - Anniversary 
Mary Elizabeth Crowley - Anniversary 
Joe Kearney - Anniversary 
Sunday 19th January 
Micheal Murphy- Month's Mind 
Peg Lacey - Month's Mind 
Rose O'Hara Fannin - 17th Anniversary 
Patrick Hannigan - Anniversary 
Robert & Josephine Redmond - Anniversary 
Fr Raymond Comiskey - Birthday Remembrance 
Geraldine Fitzgerald - Month's Mind 
James Waldron - Anniversary 
Andrew Kevin Rogan - Anniversary 
Michael Cushnahan - Anniversary 
Rose McCabe - Anniversary 
Noel, Therese, Trish & Richard Monks - Anniversaries 
Monday 20th January  
Maria Tobin - 1st Anniversary 
Tuesday 21st January 
Available For Intention 
Wednesday 22nd January 
Souls of the O'Connor Family - Remembrance 
Thursday 23rd January 
Peter O'Reilly - Anniversary & Birthday Remembrance 
Friday 24th January 
Available For Intention 
Saturday 25th January  
Anna Harrington - Month's Mind 
also remembering her son Michael Harrington - Recently Deceased 
Sunday 25th January 
Peter Farrell - 6th Anniversary 
Philomena O'Brien - Month's Mind 
Brian Powell - 1st Anniversary 
Thomasina O'Sullivan - 2nd Anniversary 
Catherine Gilmer - Anniversary. 
Blessed Margaret Ball 
Sunday 19th January 
Wednesday 22nd January 
Sunday 26th January 
Charles & Dolores Scott - Anniversary 
Available For Intention 
Pat, Michelle & Ciaran O'Toole - Anniversary